ThingThing iOS Keyboard App Review


A few weeks ago as I was doing my usual social media tour and I noticed a new company that started following my account @georgeiswrite.

It was a UK based company @Thingthingapp.

I was a bit curious as to how they were planning to do it. I worked on Sermonotes which had a similar concept but was build for the Christian population to have easy access to the Bible while taking sermon notes.

The concept of productivity on mobile devices has been around for quite some time. But ThingThing is focused on taking productivity through a new route and that is via your iOS keyboard. Apple started supporting third-party keyboard with iOS 8 and ThingThing saw this as an opportunity where no big keyboard makers like Swiftkey or Fleksy keyboard has gone. They basically became a link to the rest of the services we all frequently use on our device.


The on-boarding process was fairly simple and straight forward which was followed by a video on how to activate the keyboard. (Deep inside I wished it was a trailer for ThingThing instead). That showed they’ve gone lengths into ensuring the user gets to experience the app fully with no stones left unturned. Once activated, there was a handful services readily available. I was impressed by the ease of getting these services connected.

Using the app was a breeze and it doesn’t have a steep learning curve. The UI was smooth and responsive and didn’t crash on me like other apps have. They mean business.

There was only one let down

There was no keyboard.

Shocking but true. I reached out with the ThingThing team and they assured me that it was in the works but no timeline was given.

Screen Shot 2015-09-15 at 10.49.29 pm

One thing that caught my eye was how they communicated their unique approach to work and life. They spoke about their principles behind why they do what they do and how they do it.

Principles behind ThingThing_georgeiswrite


The other portion was their stance on privacy and why you will never be a product and explained it further on their blog. Because its all about trust.


I love ThingThing and their passion in what they do as a company. Their product is polished but not complete but having said that, ThingThing app is definitely on standby mode and will go on Turbo mode when they release that keyboard.

I was not paid to write this…#justsaying